
Product Development

Development platform that transforms


Product Design

Development platform that transforms


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Development platform that transforms


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Development platform that transforms


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Development platform that transforms


Competitive Analysis

Develop a unique competitive advantage using AI


Market Intelligence

Collect live data and turn this into actionable insights


Patents and Trademarks

Dive into submitted patents and defend your innovations


Pricing Insights

Build your pricing strategy based on real market data


Product R&D

Develop high-quality products and services


Sentiment Analysis

Analyze mentions to give a live update on customers' emotional tone


Supply Chain Intelligence

Build a strong supply chain foundation using AI


Business Intelligence

Display the right insights from unstructured data

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devToM AI Sentiment Analysis for Product Development

People are talking about your products online and devToM AI Sentiment Analysis tools analyze these mentions to give you a live update on the emotional tone of brand mentions. Sentiment analysis tools are essential to detect and understand customer feelings and transform your products to provide a better user experience.

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Sentiment Analysis for Product Development

  • Product Development

Track live your online product mentions using AI

With devToM Sentiment Analysis you can track live your product or brand mentions, analyze sentiment data and use it for further product development or custom communication campaigns. Sentiment analysis helps you identify consumer behavior, consumer needs and market status. Get to know your customers and make your brand stronger by converting their needs into product value.


Explore features

With devToM AI advanced search you can generate live sentiment analysis reports not only for your products but for competitive products as well. Understand your audience's needs and emerging market trends regarding product quality and features to stand out from the competition and build a strong relationship with your customers. Use sentiment analysis to:

  • Communicate your products better
  • Understand your customers' needs
  • Evolve your products according to reviews and customer feedback


  • Convert customer needs into product value
  • Use feedback to optimize your products
  • Build custom marketing & communication campaigns
  • Meet your customer demands
  • Build a strong social community
  • Get alerts in case of a communication crisis
  • Stay updated on competitor's sentiment data
  • Communicate your products better than the competition